A United Path Forward

Researching and certifying the finest and most effective and bioavailable single-ingredient supplements and multi-ingredient formulations available to quality-conscious consumers is only a part of what we do at LifeSpan™ Certification. We are also committed to ecologically sustainable methods and to the highest standards of clean, environmentally-friendly sourcing, manufacturing, and packaging. Most importantly, we work tirelessly to establish parameters of quality for the entire nutritional supplement industry through our cooperative and investigative work. 


Harnessing the capabilities and reach of our production and distribution partners and members, LifeSpan™ Certification helps to provide consumers with a tremendous variety of premium nutritional products, including everything for both mind and body. From superfoods to nootropics, our state-of-the-art certified formularies, facilities and extensive product endorsement catalogue are world-class and unparalleled. We make it possible for conscientious companies to provide both proprietary-branded and co-branded items to informed consumers in the fast-growing and rapidly-evolving health, wellness, and longevity marketplace. When a customer purchases a product bearing the LifeSpan Certified seal and design logo, they are getting the very best. 


Look for LifeSpan™ Certified on the label.

The Endorsement Certification

The LifeSpan™ Certified seal is the evidence that all of the important quality control criteria, from sustainability to purity, have been successfully met.

Uniformity And Transparency

We are working closely with nutritional supplement companies to establish uniform standards of quality for the entire industry, and to create transparency to better inform consumers and the public.

Supplementation vs Indoctrination

It is incumbent upon us to shine a positive light on the nutritional supplement industry to combat the negative perception created by organizations such as the FDA, the AMA, and lobbyists for Big Pharma.